Frequently Asked Questions

General Information

What is Rise Sailing ? 

It is the best of all !

What’s a "Project" for Rise Sailing?

By Project we mean everything that relates to your boat or sailing device: sessions, equipment, crew... You can run several Projects at the same time.

What’s a "Profile" for Rise Sailing?

A Profile is a pre-defined type of user that gives access to a specific interface. There are 3 types of profiles in Rise Sailing: the "Athlete" profile, the "Coach" profile and the "Free User (Guest)" profile. Several subscription plans are associated with each profile, as you will discover on the page Offers.

The "Athlete" profiles are associated with the Sailor and Sailor Pro subscriptions; the "Coach" profile applies to the subscription plans for Coach 10 and Coach 20; the "Free User (Guest)" profile is associated with a free account that you create after receiving an invitation from a Skipper Pro subscriber.

You can take on all three profiles at the same time, and access is enabled from the same login interface, with the same IDs. For example, you can coach several Athletes, and also have your own Athlete profile on which you manage your own Projects.

For more details, see the Comparative table between the different profiles.


Do I have to pay for the Rise Sailing app ?

In most cases you DO. Find all our offers here.

However, if you are an occasional crew member, you can create a free account and ask your Sailor to accredit you on his or her Project, if their subscription allows it. You can then access the sailing Project and share your feelings, your media or check your sailing hours... You will benefit from all the Rise Sailing Sailor features associated with your Skipper’s subscription plan.

I sail double-handed on my boat, what subscription do I need ?

If you are the main Sailor of the Project and your teammate is only marginally involved, the Sailor Offer Pro Double is for you. Your teammate will be able to create a free account, while you will be able to accredit him or her on your Project. Nevertheless, your teammate will not be entitled to create another Project under his or her name.

However, if you have a demanding sports objective, a fitness training activity or if both of you are running several Projects at the same time, we suggest you go for two Individual Sailor Pro subscriptions instead.

How do I pay for my Rise Sailing subscription?

We accept credit card payments and offer an auto-renew option at the end of the subscription period.

If you choose this option, our payment partner will operate a new transaction on the day your subscription expires, from the card you have entered. If it is accepted by your bank, no action is required and you can use Rise Sailing seamlessly. Otherwise, your subscription will be suspended and you will not be able to access your data until you have settled a payment.

If you do not choose the automatic payment option, your subscription plan will be suspended at the end of the period. You will need to initiate a new transaction to benefit from all the features of Rise Sailing again.

What happens when my subscription expires ?

You can still log on to your interface, but you can no longer access your different Projects. The other users that you have accredited on your Project can no longer access it either. However, the data is kept and you will regain access to all your data as soon as you set things straight.

Can I cancel my subscription?

Yes, you can. Cancellation is possible at any time, but there is no refund for the period starting from the date of your cancellation until the date your subscription plan normally ends. However, your subscription remains active until that end date. For example, if you subscribed a monthly payment plan starting on the 1st day of the month and you cancel your subscription on the 15th of the month, you will be able to access your account until the end of the month. On the 1st day of the following month, subscription fees will no longer be charged on your account. est propriété de la SAS Halehau, domiciliée au 375 rue des Sternes, 29200 Brest, au capital de 28120€, immatriculée au registre du commerce et de sociétés de Brest. SIRET : 84398384 00017. Numéro de TVA : FR17843983842. Conditions Générales d'Utilisation